Malton Primary

Pupil Premium

Our Pupil Premium Strategy 2021.23 can be viewed here: Pupil Premium Statement 21.23

Catch Up Premium Plan 2020.21- [Download not found]

‘Knowing those things- and not just recalling the bald facts but deeply understanding them- gives you the upper hand. It gives you the confidence to discuss a wide range of live topics with those around you, it gives you social status. It makes you part of the club that runs the world, and the inside track to change it.’

Dame Rachel De Souza

At Malton Primary Academy, we have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we believe that no child should be disadvantaged in any aspect of their life. We firmly believe that it is not about where you come from but your attitude and commitment to learning that make the difference between success and failure. We are determined to ensure that our children are given every chance to succeed in life and this intent permeates our curriculum offer and whole-school approach to diminishing differences between pupils’ outcomes and backgrounds.

Our intention is to provide pupils with a broad range of experiences and investment in order to scaffold and bolster their learning in academic areas whilst created well-rounded individuals who can communicate effectively and self-regulate with success. High quality teaching will ensure non-disadvantaged pupils’ attainment is sustained and improved alongside accelerated progress of disadvantaged peers.

Impact of Pupil Premium

The support put in place for children receiving Pupil Premium results in those children making rapid progress; that is expected or better than expected progress.

Pupil Premium Budget

This year, we have received £77,000.

How we spent the funding in 2016/17 is available here: Pupil Premium Grant report 2016.17 

How we spent the funding in 2017/18 is available here: Pupil Premium Grant report 2017.18.

Download a summary of 2016/17 expenditure here.

Download a summary of 2017/18 expenditure here.

You can view our 2018/19 costed expenditure document here.

You can view our 2018/19 Pupil Premium Report here. 

Download a summary here.

Evaluation of expenditure 2018.19

Strategy and Expenditure 2019.20

Costed Expenditure 2019.20

SUMMARY: 3 year strategy 2020-2023

FULL: 3 year strategy 2020-2023