What did the Romans do for us? 

Thank for working so hard, working so well with each other and learning so much this term Year Four.  You thoroughly deserve your holiday. 

Next term we’ll be learning about: 

Enquiry The Classics return, as we travel back in time to the Romans.  If you have any holiday memorabilia from trips to Italy that you could share with the children, they’d love to see it – thank you. 

Writing Our writing will reflect our Enquiry as we develop the technical language, knowledge and skills to narrate a day in the life of an Ancient Roman. 

Reading We will discover some of the Greek myths, starting with Jason and the Argonauts before spending a few weeks reading Who Let The Gods Out.

Science This half term explores the various skills that are used across all the scientific disciplines.

DT After enjoying Art last half term we are back designing, making and breaking as we endeavour to create light up cards using foil circuits. 

Music The children will explore Soul music, in particular that golden oldie “Lean on Me”. 

PSHE Our weekly assemblies and lessons will prompt the children to consider their dreams and goals. 

RE Studying Hinduism and the idea of one god in many forms, will continue after the break. 

PE  PE will be back on a Wednesday and for this the children need: outdoor pumps/trainers, black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings, a white T-shirt and black or grey sports sweatshirt.  We will be moving as Romans, with Roman themed dance lessons. 

Indoor Shoes Children must have a pair of indoor of black indoor shoes.  Changing their shoes helps keep their working environment as clean as possible. 

Reading We ask that the children to read three times a week at home and will monitor this, obviously more is even better though! 

School Uniform School uniform continues to be grey skirt/trousers, white skirt, green jumper, plain black/grey/white socks/tights or green gingham summer wear.  Each child should wear a house or responsibility tie.  Everyone needs a pair of indoor black shoes. 

Water bottles Please give your child a water bottle for access during breaks.  We ask that this is not a single use bottle and only contains water. 

Homework A page of learning, revisiting ideas met in lesson, is issued on a Friday and due back the following Thursday.  Participation and completion has been really impressive – thank you.  

TTRS Thank you to everyone who is encouraging their child to play one game of TTRS a day.  There is a national test later in the year and those that are practising regularly are on track to do well in it. 

Spellings It wouldn’t be school without weekly spellings tests and I appreciate the hard work that is being put in to achieve the 10/10s – again thank you.  They are issued Tuesday and tested the following Monday. 

Please email with any queries or concerns (r.debney@maltonprimary.org) or catch me at the classroom door.  I post regularly on the School’s Instagram account so that we can share classroom life. 

Ms Debney