Welcome Summer!

Class Oaks have returned from their Easter break with lots of fun stories of their holidays. It seems they have been busy collecting chocolate eggs, travelling places by ferry and train and there have been lots of visits to the seaside.

This half of term we will be following an enquiry into birds and butterflies. There will hopefully be an opportunity to see some birds of prey and we will be hatching some caterpillar eggs in class.

In our phonics sessions we will be completing our work on our Set 1 sounds and moving onto Set 2. Our writing focus will be on using our phonological knowledge in our writing. Children will be asked to try to sound out simple words to form their own sentences. In Maths we will be looking at patterns, spatial reasoning and continuing our deepening of understanding of numbers to 20.

For information on the other curriculum areas please click Class-Oaks-Sum-1-Curriculum-1.docx

Thank you for your continued support with your child’s reading. Reading both at school and at home really does make a big impact on the progress that children are able to make. Please try to remember to write in the reading record once a week, so that you can let us know how you think they are getting on. If there are any parents or grandparents that would be able to come into school once a week between 2pm and the end of the day to listen to readers this would be beneficial. Please let me know if you feel you would be able to help with this.

Thank you also for supporting your child to complete a weekly piece of work in their adventure books. Children love sharing what they have been doing at home. From next half term Malton will be a launching a weekly talent sharing slot where children will be given a date and an opportunity to talk about something that is special to them. More information to follow on this.


  • Please ensure that a water bottle is brought into school every day
  • Ensure that children have a set of sports socks in their PE bags (especially if they are wearing tights)
  • Send in a named sunhat
  • If you send sun cream, please be aware that children will need to be able to apply it to themselves. Please practise this at home.

Upcoming Events

  • Sports Day for Reception, Yr1/2 – Tuesday 22nd June 2pm
  • Well-Being Day (family picnic) at 12pm – Wednesday 23rd June
  • Class Oaks School Trip to Helmsley Birds of Prey Centre & Helmsley Castle – Monday 3rd July