Malton Primary

At Malton Primary Acaedmy, it is the responsibility of all staff to support children with SEND. If you require any further support or advice please contact Miss J Anderson or Miss K Smith who are our SEND Co-ordinators.

Mrs J Peacock is our Pastoral Lead and is available each morning in the Snug or via telephone for general parental support.

Telephone: 01653692582


Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) have the greatest need for excellent teaching and are entitled to provision that supports achievement at, and enjoyment of, school.

At Malton Primary Academy, we offer a fully inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of our pupils; whatever their needs and abilities.

We ensure that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are fully included in all aspects of school life. We believe that pupils with SEND and their parents/carers should be at the heart of planning and decision making.

We provide opportunities for pupils with SEND and their parents/carers to play an active role in planning their provision in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice 2015.

Our vision for SEND is to provide high quality inclusive teaching that meets the needs of all pupils. Our practice and the strategies we use to support pupils are rooted in evidence of what best practice is and based on externally validated approaches, including the Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Schools Guidance Report from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).

Further to our own school policies, please see a link to the Local Authority ‘Local Offer’. This provides what families and children should expect in terms of support if they have special educational needs and disabilities.


Malton Primary Academy is a Thrive school!  

Our aim is a whole-school approach to wellbeing.  Thrive has proven to help children and young people become more emotionally resilient improving engagement with learning and life.  

Supporting wellbeing to improve attendance, behaviour and attainment. 

Click on the following link to find out more about Thrive –  

To find out more about the Impact and Research behind Thrive click on the link- 

If you feel your child needs support with their social, emotional and mental health then please get in touch with Miss Smith. 

We want to help every child to Thrive.


If you require any further support:

SENDIASS North Yorkshire. This is a service for parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND) as well as young people themselves. It is impartial, which means it is not bias and gives confidential information, advice and support that is arms length to the Local Authority.

Compass Phoenix North Yorkshire. The aim of this service is to improve outcomes for children and young people in relation to their emotional wellbeing and mental health by strengthening the range of mental health support available to children and young people.