Malton Primary


Year 6 Leavers hoodies

It’s that time of year again when we start to think about the leavers hoodies. A letter is on our website about these you can order by filling in the slip and sending back to school, or emailing Mrs Carpenter your order her email address is

If any money is outstanding to Malton Academy at the time of the request for an order, then the hoodie
order will not be approved and any funds received to ParentPay for the hoodie will be used to
reduce/repay the existing debt.

The last date for orders is 20th May 2022, orders after this date will not be ordered. Hoodies are £20.00.


Transition update – Norton College

It is that time of year again, when you should know if your child has a place at their preferred secondary school!

We have received some transition dates from Norton College please see below:

Friendship afternoons:

Thursday 31st March 2022 – 4.15 pm – 5.30 pm

Thursday 12th May 2022 – 4.15 pm – 5.30 pm

Thursday 9th June 2022 – 4.15 pm – 5.30 pm

Year 6 Transition days and evening:

Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd June 2022 – all day

Wednesday 22nd June 2022 – 6-8 pm

Year 5 taster days:

Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th July 2022

Norton College will write to all the perspective parents and let them know about these dates. They will also send out any extra information you will need.

Any updates we receive will be added to our website. Please keep checking!