Ready for Christmas in Year 6

Working hard

We have been working so hard in Year 6 over the last 4 weeks, it has been great to see the progress we’re making across the curriculum.

We have been deepening our understanding of fractions and long division. Please keep up the practice with this at home as it’s paying off!

Our writing has been keeping us busy: active and passive voice, really making sure we know our tenses and working on our editing skills. That’s in addition to creating some brilliant news reports about pesky evacuees. We have written some atmospheric war poetry and we’re currently crafting suspenseful narratives based in a flooded world. This has been a close link to our learning in Geography about Climate Change all over the Earth.

We’re excited to be making Fairground rides in DT and have been able to apply our knowledge from the learning in Science on circuits.


The children remain dedicated to their learning and it’s great to see everyone trying hard with their homework. If anyone requires any extra help with the homework please feel free to get in touch.


The children are also making fantastic progress in their orchestra sessions and every single one of them should be proud of what they have achieved with their new instrument. They sound great and make us smile a lot. There are clips on Instagram if you haven’t had chance to look yet.


Over the next two weeks we have a lot happening so here are some dates so you don’t miss out:

  • 7th December – making Christmas crafts ready for the Christmas Fair
  • 10th December – songs around the tree with the MCPS orchestra 2:30pm
  • 10th December – Christmas Fair from 3:30pm
  • 13th December – Christingle in class
  • 15th December – York Trip – return to school at 6pm

We wish you all the best for the festive season and thank you for your continued support to the Year 6 children.