Malton Primary

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Modeshift Stars

Beep Beep Day

Class Acorns and Oaks tool part in Beep Beep Day on Wednesday 24th April 2024. They learned why it is important to hold hands when crossing the road, why they need to wear a helmet on their bike and why they need to wear a seatbelt and sit in a child seat in a car.


Modeshift Stars Awards 2024

Mrs Carpenter and Miss Blenkin took 4 Year 6 pupils to London on Wednesday 20th March. The school was nominated for The National Award we unfortunately didn’t win but out of 124 schools who were accredited either Gold or Platinum we were 1 of 18 schools Nominated. A fantastic achievement. Mrs Carpenter collected lots of ideas for more road safety initiatives we can do. WATCH THIS SPACE!

Walking Bubble – 5/10 min

Mrs Carpenter would like to remind all parents and let all prospective parents know that we have a 5/10 walking bubble around the school. Please try to park up 5/10 minutes away and walk the rest of the way. This will then stop some of the congestion outside of the school.

Highway Code

Please copy and paste this link into the search bar for the updated Highway Code.

Mrs Carpenter feels this is important to be shared as it covers all Road Users, whether they are pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders, or drivers.

Platinum Award

Mrs Carpenter has officially received confirmation about the school gaining Platinum again for Modeshift STARS.

Mini Police September 2023 – January 2024

Mini Police Court on Friday 26th January 2024. This session finishes their wonderful work with PCSO Geoff Wynn. Well done everyone!


Class of the Month – WOW tracker

Mrs Carpenter wants to share with you that Class Dickens are class of the month, on the WOW tracker. Well done to you all!

WOW tracker – Badges

These are the next 3 badges that class Oaks, Dickens, and Cayley can collect for walking, cycling, scootering, or parking up and walking the rest of the way to school. The children need to be actively getting to school twice a week for a month to earn a badge.

Journey costings January 2024

As we continue on our journey on Modeshift STARS! Mrs Carpenter has completed a Postcode costings sheet. Which looks at the fuel consumption and the cost of a return journey for 3 people. It shows that small journeys do cost money and is probably worth leaving the car at home and walking. There are 161 children which equates to 117 families who live in Malton and the majority could walk or park and walk the rest of the way.

Below are screenshots of the costings.

WOW tracker badges!

9 children in Class Oaks received their badge for walking to school twice a week for a month. Well done to you all.

Active travel certificates!

Mrs Carpenter has received more happy post today. The certificates for The Local Authority Primary School of the Year 2023/2024, and The Regional Primary School of the Year 2023/2024 arrived. They are on reception along with the award.

Regional Primary School of the Year!

Mrs Carpenter received the award today in the post. We are so proud of all the school community for their support on this journey!

WOW tracker

MPA now has WOW Tracker in classes Oaks, Dickens, and Cayley. This was funded by Malton Town Council. We are running a pilot this year to see how it works. The children can gain badges if they walk, cycle, or scooter to school at least twice a week for the month. These journeys are logged on the tracker and again will help us with our Modeshift Stars! journey.

Modeshift Stars Awards

Mrs Carpenter is pleased to announce that on Tuesday 7th November. Malton Primary Academy won Local Authority School and also Regional Primary School for Modeshift Stars! This is a fantastic achievement and we all should be proud of ourselves!

Pedestrian training 2023

Thursday 19th October

Malton Fire Brigade sent some of their Firefighters to talk about how to cross the road safely.

Road safety week

On Tuesday 17th October DHL came to the school to talk to the children in Early Years and KS1. They looked at how difficult it was for the driver of the lorry to see people in front of the cab or at the side, or hear anything when driving. They talked about how to keep themselves safe and to keep away from the kerb when crossing the road.

5-minute walking bubble

As we are preparing to return to school Mrs Carpenter would like to remind you all, that the school is in the middle of a 5-minute walking bubble! The map above shows where this starts. Our journey with Modeshift Stars and Active Travel will be continuing. There are lots of exciting events and a new initiative coming soon! Watch this space!



We had a fantastic day of Scooter workshops, these were held by James from Scootfit. All had a fun day.

The following picture is of a scooter that James recommends for children to start training on as they help the children’s balance. He suggests not encouraging children to straighten their legs but to bend them when on a scooter as their whole weight goes onto their whole leg not just behind their knees.

Local Authority Primary School of the Year.

We won an award recently, which was Local Authority Primary School of the Year. Friday 12th May we received the award which is now in our reception area.

Journey costings – 2023

Mrs Carpenter has updated the Journey costings. They are interesting reading compared to last year’s! The price of fuel has come down a lot. See the link : Postcode costings – May 2023

Beep Beep Day

On Wednesday 26th April 2023 2gether, Nursery and our Reception classes joined in Brakes Beep Beep Day. Which was looking at teaching about road safety, the importance of holding hands to cross the road, and using seat belts and car seats.

Mini Police

On Friday 21st April the Mini Police held their court case. The lady they caught was speeding past the school, and her excuse was she had made a new ice cream flavour (pizza) and she was taking it to her friend’s house for her to try. She said I was speeding because I didn’t want the pepperoni ice cream to melt. You will expect they didn’t accept this and she got a fine of £1000 and 50 hours unpaid work. See photos below:  

Big Walk and Wheel

Monday 20th March is the start of our 10-day walk, cycle, or scooter to school. We will go up against schools up and down the country. Prizes are available for the school. Let’s get our walking boots on and wheels in motion to make it a success. Please remember any child coming to school with bikes or scooters MUST BE WEARING HELEMETS!

School of the Year for North Yorkshire

On Thursday 9th March 2023 we found out that we had won School of the Year for North Yorkshire. This will mean we go to London for the main awards, Mrs Carpenter will update the website when we know the date and of course the outcome.

Modeshift Stars awards

On Thursday 9th March at 11.00 am, MPA will hopefully find out if they have won the regional awards. Please copy and paste the link below in the browser to watch the award ceremony:

Why is 20-mph needed?

The following image shows why 20-mph is the best speed while driving through built up areas and where we live, work and walk.


Chart showing stopping distances at 30mph and 20mph 

Distance from a driver noticing someone potentially in the path of their vehicle  Driver speed at 30mph  


Driver speed at 20mph 


0-6 metres  Likely to kill  Likely to injure 
6-12 metres  Likely to kill  Likely to hurt 
12-23 metres  Likely to seriously injure, less likely to kill  The driver stops without hitting the child. 

Upcoming events

20th – 31st March 2023 – Big Walk and Wheel more information to follow.

Bikers Breakfast – date to be confirmed.

Walk to School Week – date to be confirmed.

Platinum Award

Mrs. Carpenter is pleased to announce that the school has achieved the Platinum Award for the 2nd year. Mrs. Carpenter is so grateful to everyone who has helped the school achieve this and hopes your support will continue.

Bike workshops

Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th November Phil Bateman from Pro-ride came to deliver bike training to all the children in school. Great fun was had by all! They went over ramps, over balance beams, under limbo poles and zigzagged round cones. Showing good control.


Truck training 2022

Wednesday 2nd November was the Truck training demo from DHL. Which explains to the children about the blind spots and how far away from the truck before the driver sees you. What they hear when the window is shut, the engine running and the radio on. The truck we saw is as tall as a baby giraffe, weighed 44 tons which is equivalent to 7 African elephants and a Dumbo and is a long as a hump-backed whale.

Media Attention!

Mrs Carpenter has got the school into the Gazette and Herald again with her work for Modeshift Stars! The school have now support from the Mayor of Malton and the Town Council. We fully support the 20’s plenty campaign and Mrs Carpenter has some wheelie bin stickers and some car bumper stickers if anyone would like some please email Mrs Carpenter.

EYFS and KS1 summer challenge

As you will probably remember children in EYFS and KS1 had a summer challenge. This was to design a poster for 20’s plenty. The Mayor of Malton (Ian Conlan) and Mrs Carpenter who is also Councillor are in support of making 20mph a default speed limit where people live, work and walk. We had 4 entries and Mrs Carpenter sent them to the mayor without names on the posters and he chose a winner.


Below is the winning poster and photos of the assembly when they were given their prizes.

Walking bus and 20’s plenty

This morning was supposed to be the launch of our Walking Bus. The Mayor of Malton joined Mrs Carpenter and walked along the route in the hope that children would be waiting at the stops. When we got to school we had a photo with the banner advertising 20’s plenty which a lot of the Councils have taken on board.  See photo below:

Pedestrian Skills Training

This morning we had a visit from Malton Fire Brigade, who had come to deliver Pedestrian Skills Training, to our EYFS and KS1 children. They talked to them about how to stay safe crossing the road, The Green Cross Code, and talked about what they should wear when it’s dark on a night. The children then told the Fireman what to do to cross the road.

5-Minute Walking Bubble

As tomorrow is the start of our Road Safety Week. Mrs Carpenter thought it would be a good idea to remind parents of our 5-minute Walking Bubble. It would be great if parents can park 5-minutes away and walk the rest of the way to school! Please can Mrs Carpenter remind everyone not to park on the zigzags, in the bus stop or over residents’ drives. Also, please do not park with your engines running as this is not great for the health of our children, parents, staff or others using the paths!

All aboard the Walking Bus!

On Tuesday 11th October our Walking Bus is going to be launched. This is exciting and one step further to reducing congestion outside our school! Email Mrs Carpenter for more details

Malton Mayor is also joining the bus on Tuesday morning as Malton Town Council are very keen and interested in what MPA are doing to reduce congestion, improve air pollution and making our roads safer for all!

Junior Travel Ambassadors

Mrs Carpenter is proud to introduce Malton Primary Academy first ever JTAs. They will be working very closely with Mrs Carpenter on organising Road Safety events and encouraging children to be more active. More details of their work will be shared on here and on Instagram.

Speed Watch Campaign!

Speed Watch Team

Mrs Carpenter on Friday 26th August at 3pm and Mayor of Malton (Ian Conlan) and one other as members of the Speed Watch Team met in Wentworth Street. This is to catch speeders which their details go to the Police and they receive a letter. Mrs Carpenter can say they got no-one speeding but counted around 83 cars going over in the hour we were there.

On Friday 2nd September 2022

Ian Conlan, Andrew (another Speed Watch member) and Mrs Carpenter met in Rainbow lane at 7am again we got no-one speeding which is amazing, we were only checking the cars one way and we counted 41 cars in an hour. One resident came to speak to us and gave us an idea of where we need to be watching. There are a few roads we cover now these include Langton Road, Welham Road, Wentworth Street and Rainbow Lane we are looking to expand on the roads we cover. We would also like more members, if anyone is interested in joining us at various times contact Mrs Carpenter.

Please see photo below:

More dates and times will be set and Mrs Carpenter will keep the school website updated.

20’s plenty

While Mrs Carpenter has been in Cornwall she was shocked to see a lot of the roads had 30 and 40 mph speed limits. Some of these roads were so narrow and small they should be no more than 20 mph! On the way to Port Isaac she saw the first 20 mph speed limit. See the photo below:

Walking Bus Survey Results

As you will all be aware that a survey was sent out asking for your thoughts on having a walking bus. The results are showing more information is needed by parents. Mrs Carpenter will set a meeting up when school reopens in September! If we get enough interest we will hopefully be up and running by the end of October! Watch this space for more details!

Early Years and KS1 Summer Challenge

To continue our schools success with Modeshift Stars and continuing campaign to make the roads safer outside school and local area. We asking you to design a poster encouraging people to support the 20’s Plenty campaign!  It is a Country wide campaign to make the roads where people live, work and walk safer.

If you are allowed to ask your parents to take pictures of you over the Summer being active either walking, cycling or scooting near a 20mph sign. These can be emailed to Mrs Carpenter:

Please ask parents to say in the email if these can be shared on Instagram, the school website, newsletters or shared with the 20’s Plenty campaign or if in her role as Town Councillor could Mrs Carpenter share them with the Town Council!


Climate Cafe

All welcome to the Climate cafe on Saturday 9th July at Friend Meeting House. A chance for the community to get together and try to make a difference!


Pedestrian training

This morning Year 3 to Year 6 had Pedestrian Training which was delivered by Malton Fire Brigade. We looked at all safety aspects of crossing a road. They talked about a ‘magic pavement’! Which is when there are lots of cars parked at the road side and the only way you can cross is in between parked cars. You stand on the road in line with the cars so that all drivers can see you. Then do the checks again stop, look and listen, think!

We talked about wearing bright clothes on a dark night so we can be seen.



Picture News Impact Awards 2022

Mrs Carpenter wanted to share this award with you all. The school entered into the Impact award which is run by Picture news who send out assemblies and discussion points to schools each week. We have received our logo and will get an award next week. Not sure which award we will receive Mrs Carpenter will share this as soon as she knows.

If you would like to see the application that Mrs Carpenter sent please head over to letters on the website as a copy is there, or copy and paste the link below:

Journey costings 2022

As we all know the fuel prices have been increasing to an all time high. Mrs Carpenter thought it would be a good idea to redo the costings she did in January. Copy and paste the link below:

Highway Code 2022

The Highway Code has been updated this year, giving pedestrians more right of way. Mrs Carpenter still feels that we still need to be vigilant and not presume vehicles will stop for us. Copy and paste link into search bar:

Mini Police – Court case

On Friday 1st April 2022 the Mini Police held a court case against Mr Ian Brayshaw (aka Ian Carpenter). He had been caught parked on the zigzags outside school as this is an offence he was issued with a ticket, which he refused to pay! They found him guilty and issued him with a £100 pound fine and 100 hours unpaid community service. They also received their certificates for taking part.

Big walk and wheel update

As we enter the 2nd week our scores are still getting better we have had some dips which are understandable. We would like to thank everyone for doing their bit. The ladies from North Yorkshire came to school again on Monday to make a bike tree on which were comments from the children as to why they bike, scooter and walk. Photos below from the day.


Tuesday 29th March 2022

Our place on the Big walk and wheel website from Monday!


North Yorkshire County Council article!

North Yorkshire County Council have wrote an article about Malton Primary Academy gaining our Platinum award to read the article please copy and paste the address below into the search bar





Big Walk and Wheel – Day 3

Day 3 (Wednesday 23rd March) was another great day! We have moved up the leader board again!

We are also 15th in the regional positions!


Big Walk and Wheel update

Well done everyone! We have moved up 5 places from yesterday at least we are moving in the right direction!

Big Walk and Wheel 2022

Mrs Carpenter would like to thank everyone who made the launch of the Big Walk and Wheel the massive success it was! Here are some photos from the morning.

Classes are keeping scores of how many children are actively getting to school. Please see below for our position on the leader board on the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel site.


This is out 409 and small primary schools! Keep checking back for more updates.

Active breakfast – Monday 21st March 2022

Please join us on Monday 21st March between 8.30 and 9.00. For an active breakfast for those children who walk, cycle and scooter to school. We would like to see as many children as possible walk, cycle or scooter to school for the 10 days.

Lessons will be based round active travel some days and fun activities will be happening over the 2nd week!

Big Walk and Wheel 2022

From Monday 21st March to Friday 1st April we are taking part in a Big Walk and Wheel. Over these 10 days we would like the children to walk, bike and scooter to school as much as possible for the 10 days. There are opportunities to gain prizes for the school. Please help the 10 days to be a success. Please checking back here for updates!



A massive well done!

Mrs Carpenter is proud to announce that Malton Primary Academy have achieved Platinum! This is the outcome of 3 years of work, emails and of course fun! The work will continue to maintain this award and of course to make the journey to and from school a safer one! Whether they are walking, cycling or scooting to school.

Mrs Carpenter would like to take this opportunity to remind all parents about being mindful of where they park. Please DO NOT park on pavements (as this makes it difficult for pushchair users, wheelchair users and of course pedestrians to get past, they shouldn’t have to walk on the road)! DO NOT not park on corners, zigzag lines or in the bus stop opposite school! We are getting complaints of drivers parking over driveways this is not acceptable!

Please remember the school is in a 5-minute walking bubble, so parking 5 to 10 minutes away would ease congestion outside school.


Journey costings – 2022

Please check out the journey costings for all the postcodes we have for the pupils in school. The costings are based on one return journey (to school and then back home). This shows that even the shortest of journeys cost no matter how short. These prices do not take into consideration wear and tear on the car so the price will be more these costings are just for fuel based on 3 people in the car. These are to be completed every year! The journey costings have been added to the letters tab on the website. See below:





This will also be added to our Modeshift Stars award as an updated initiative. The walking bubble map has been added again to remind parents.

5-Minute Walking Bubble

As we are preparing to return to school Mrs Carpenter would like o remind you all that the school is in the middle of a 5-minute walking bubble. The map is below so you can see where this starts. Our journey on Modeshift STARS! Will be continuing throughout 2022. Please watch this space!

Mini Police

The first group of Mini Police have now finished their service. They all did a fantastic job! They went out on patrol round the area and caught someone dropping litter, and Mrs Carpenter’s son who was riding his bike on the pavement. Jamie found himself in Mini Police court, he got 100 hours community service. I am sure school could find him some jobs to do! Here are some of the photos:


Pictures from the court house and certificate presentation.

Road safety week October 2021

In October we held a Road safety week which was a great success! This will be now an annual event as we as a school feel it is vitally important. As we see the issues outside our school everyday.

Above are photos from or Truck training day! A truck with a trailer on is the same length as a Humpbacked whale and as tall as a giraffe and weighs the same as 7 elephants! It would take a loaded truck travelling at 20 mph from our carpark to the end of the car park in St Mary’s to stop! Scary thought!

School Council met Ian Conlan a Councillor who is campaigning for a 20mph speed limit where people walk, live and go to school!


Dennis Distribution a local haulage company have supplied the school with enough Hi-Viz waistcoats for every people in our school. We cannot thank them enough for their kindness. They have also offered to support us in any way they can! The waistcoats will be used on any trips we have. Some have been used already by 2gether and YR 4.

Silver award

In February this year we found out we had achieved the Silver Award for Modeshift Stars! Which was fantastic. We were waiting for our award to be delivered and in November we received this certificate.